Archiwa tagu: text representation

Biologically Plausible Learning of Text Representation with Spiking Neural Networks

This study proposes a novel biologically plausible mechanism for generating low-dimensional spike-based text representation. First, we demonstrate how to transform documents into series of spikes (spike trains) which are subsequently used as input in the training process of a spiking neural network (SNN). The network is composed of biologically plausible elements, and trained according to the unsupervised Hebbian learning rule, Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP). After training, the SNN can be used to generate low-dimensional spike-based text representation suitable for text/document classification. Empirical results demonstrate that the generated text representation may be effectively used in text classification leading to an accuracy of 80.19% on the bydate version of the 20 newsgroups data set, which is a leading result amongst approaches that rely on low-dimensional text representations.

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Article – Proposition of hybrid process model semi structured description of event from fire services rescues operation

The article „Proposition of hybrid process model semi structured description of event from fire services rescues operation” describes a review of actual developed knowledge representation and case representation for fire services cases based reasoning system. The article also describes a method of processing the cases of events. This processing method based on classification and information retrieval.