Detection of the Innovative Logotypes on the Web Pages


The aim of this study was to describe a found method for detection of logotypes that indicate innovativeness of companies, where the images originate from their Internet domains. For this purpose, we elaborated a system that covers a supervised and heuristic approach to construct a reference dataset for each logotype category that is utilized by the logistic regression classifiers to recognize a logotype category. We proposed the approach that uses one-versus-the-rest learning strategy to learn the logistic regression classification models to recognize the classes of the innovative logotypes. Thanks to this we can detect whether a given company’s Internet domain contains an innovative logotype or not. More- over, we find a way to construct a simple and small dimension of feature space that is utilized by the image recognition process. The proposed feature space of logotype classification models is based on the weights of images similarity and the textual data of the images that are received from HTMLs ALT tags.

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